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Author Guidelines

All papers have to be written and submitted in DOC format using Microsoft Office Word 2003/2010 for Windows or a compatible version of Word for Windows. 


Paper volume (length) 

Volume (length) of paper (article), including figures, tables, schemes, charts, the list of references and abstract should be between 4000 and 7000 words. The publication of any paper over 7000 words is to be negotiated (agreed) with the publisher.


Do not insert page numbers, please!!! 


Title page (title of article and authors) 

The title of article has to be followed by a name (names) of the author (authors) and the name of the organization (organizations) which they represent. The title of the paper is centered and typed in BOLD capital letters using Times New Roman 11points. The names of the authors (first name, initial of the second name, and surname) are written in bold small letters and the same font size below it. The names and addresses of the organizations they represent are given in the next line with small letters (regular), the same font size (Times New Roman 11 points). Scientific degrees, positions, ranks, contact information aren't specified. Through two intervals (two blank lines) the abstract is located in English. 



The abstract of the paper (up to 500 words) is given with two blank lines after the affiliation. 

The word "Abstract" is aligned left and written in Times New Roman 10pt font, small letters (bold). Text of the abstract is written on the next line. The text of abstract has to be written by an inclined font (italic) of Times New Roman 10 pt. On a new line should be written keywords – about 5-10 words or phrases disclosing the essence of the research.  


Body of the article (text)/manuscript 

The body text begins after a blank line from the keywords. The text of article must be written in Times New Roman 10pt font (regular). Indents are not used. Blank lines should be left only if necessary. Headings in the text are written in BOLD capital letters after a blank line, aligned left, using Times New Roman 10 pt. They are numbered using Arabic numerals (1; 2; 3; etc.). If it necessary subheadings can be used in the text. Subheadings have an initial capital letter and following small letters in Italics. They use numbered by Arabic numerals, such as 1.1; 1.1.1; 1.1.2; 1.2; 1.3 etc. 


Figures, tables, and diagrams

Figures, tables and diagrams have to be incorporated in the text electronically, irrespective of the 

software they have been made with. They can be colored or black-and-white. Before incorporating figures and diagrams in the paper, they have to be saved as a single image. Tables and figures (schedules, charts, illustration etc.) have to be located in the text and are numbered with Arabicnumerals (for example, Table 1; Table 2; Figure 1; Figure 2, etc.). Figures and tables break the text and a line is left before and after them. The maximum size of figures, tables and diagrams is 15 x 15 cm. When tables are larger, they have to be divided into parts not bigger than 15 x 15 cm. or have to be located in appendix. Their orientation is Portrait. The word "Table" is written above the table and aligned right. The name of the table is centered and written above the table in Times New Roman font, 10pt. The numbers and the text inside are written in Times New Roman, font size 10 points.The word "Figure" and the name of Figures is aligned (centered) and written below under Figures in Times New Roman font, 10pt. Formulas are created with the Microsoft Word editor or built in as objects if created with other software. 



References have to be quoted in the text according to Harvard system (see Harvard Reference 

System). It means that creating the reference to the citation in the text you have to give in brackets a 

surname of the author (authors) and date (year) of the publication. The list of references and sources 

has to include each work quoted in the text. Quoted literature and other sources (References) are listed at the end of the manuscript (paper), in a line after the body text. Quoted sources are not numbered; they are listed alphabetically following the Harvard Style of Referencing. The number of the sources (references) used in paper (article) has to be not less than 20.


Page formatting 


1. Page Setup 


  • Top: 2.5 cm

  • Bottom: 2.5 cm

  • Left: 2.5 cm

  • Right: 2.5 cm

Orientation: Portrait

Paper Size: A4 


2. Format


  • Font: Times New Roman

  • Font Style: Regular

  • Font Size: 10pt


  • Alignment: Justified

  • Line Spacing: Single

  • Spacing Before: 6pt

  • Spacing After: 0 


Papers that do not comply with the requirements will not be published

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